Being successful in the business world has been especially challenging for women in recent decades as they continue to strive for equality in the workplace and advancement as well as comparable advancement opportunities. At the same time, however, there are many women in leadership positions who continue to see success. Below are some of their strategies for claiming a place at the table. 

1. Always Try to See Things From a Fresh Perspective

True innovation and understanding come from looking at and approaching problems differently. If something is not working or you are having problems coming up with a solid solution, stepping back and looking at the issue differently may help you find a solution you may not have thought of at first.1

2. Surround Yourself With the Key People

No one knows everything, and you will need others and their diverse knowledge and skills to help you become a business success. Find key people who will help you fill the gaps in your experience, knowledge, and skills so that you will be ready and able to tackle any project that comes your way.1

3. Be Persistent

Persistence pays off. If you are passionate enough about something, you should find a way to make it work. When one path leads to a dead end, move on to the next one and the next one until you have solved your problem.1

4. Be Your Version of Success

Don't get caught up in someone else's version of success. Make your own definition of what it means to be a success, and work toward that vision. You do not need to conform your ideals, personality, style, or image to fit other people's perceptions. If you are confident in yourself, that confidence will shine through.1

5. Act on Your Dreams

Actions will get you a lot further than intentions. Don't just dream of what you want to do. Make a plan to do it. If the goal has many steps, break it down into more manageable tasks, so you will feel like you are accomplishing something with each step. This will help you stay on track with your goal progression.2

6. Always Be a Team Player

No one is able to be a success without a team of people around them. This may include employees who help you pursue your goals, mentors who provide you with encouragement along the way, or those in your network who help you connect with the people you need. Always consider your team's ideas and ensure they feel valued.2

7. Keep Positive

There will be highs and lows on your journey toward success, so it is important to stay positive throughout the process. A positive mindset will help you through challenging times, allowing you to move forward when you want to give up. Positivity is also contagious, and the more positive you are, the more positive the team members around you will be.2


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The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.

This article was prepared by WriterAccess.

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1 10 Secrets of Successful Female Entrepreneurs, Global Female Leaders,

2 The Secret of Being a Successful Businesswoman, CIO Views,